Thursday, 29 May 2014


Life has been a bit of a whirl-wind.....between dance, work, homework, drama, meetings, my 'taxi' service, Murray's new job and spring jobs around the house I feel like I can't breathe sometimes. It's like feeling the water rising and trying your best to bail yourself out......working to remember everything, to complete everything, to pick everyone up at the right place and time! It's not easy, but it's awesome. It all means we are healthy, we are blessed with abundance and opportunities. My family is active and learning and growing, and I have a front row seat. How lucky am I?!
Yesterday I slowed down a bit during a volunteer shift. I was covering a position that required me to sit in the same place for 4.5 hours......really unheard of for me! I was alone at first, then 2 hours in was joined by another volunteer.  It turned out that she is good friends with one of the teachers that is going to Nicaragua with Tyler (I am always in awe of what a small world it is). We started talking and I soon became fascinated by her story....she is a real working actress. Performing, dancing, teaching! We talked about how wonderful it is to be paid for doing something you love. We talked about having children, parking downtown, travelling, making time for you marriage. We shared stories and was a fun afternoon. We both sat with our phones, talking about how we are connected to everyone all the time through our phones, and then she recieved an e-mail and she gasped as she read it. I asked if everything was okay, and with tears in her eyes she told me she had just been offered an apprenticeship, something she had been dreaming about. We talked about what it meant to her and for her career. I was so happy to have shared that moment with her. Life has a way of creating these surprising moments....little connections you didn't expect that add to your story and link you to another person's story.  Life is cool like that!
We are moving into June, summer is right around the corner........

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