Sunday, 19 January 2014

2014 so far.....

We are a couple of weeks in and so far 2014 is proving to be not so bad! 
I love new beginnings, a chance for new goals, new plans, new hope. 

Life moves so quickly and it seems to me that January and September are the two times in the year that I feel a bit of a re-start...a chance to ride the swell of the exhale of Christmas break and summer holidays and start-a-new.  Forgive ourselves for past choices, let go of regrets and vow to try harder and do better.  Allowing ourselves to not be weighed down by what was but learning from it and moving forward.

In my corner I am working on a set of goals for the year.  Not drastic life changes, just a few new things I have been wanting to try, a few old things I want to do more regularly and some general 'get healthy, look better, live longer' things! 

For my one little word for 2014 I am re-visiting a past word  'BELIEVE'.  This was my first word from a couple of years ago and even though I have tried others, I always come back to believe.  I think it really is my guiding word.  I believe that things will be okay, I believe in the good in people, I believe that I am surrounded by love, I believe that each day we get a chance to do our best and try harder, I believe that I can make a difference in my world and I believe in the power of God's love.

I have joined the Studio Calico community by signing up for a class (Day by Day) and enrolling in their monthly Project Life kits.  This is so exciting for me.  I have been wanting to start a Project Life album for some time now.  In true 'Elaine' fashion I starting buying supplies in the summer but didn't start the album until now!  I have quite a stash of stuff, and now with help of Studio Calico, I have the motivation to focus and succeed.  I am looking at this album as a chance for me to celebrate the day-to-day normal life of my family.  Rather than stressing over fancy layouts of major celebrations that never get completed, I can pull together bits and pieces of everyday stuff that I want to remember.  I am also looking forward to making some new scrapbooking friends on the site!

On this quiet Sunday afternoon, the snow is falling again and I am spending time in my office.  Loving the peace while my family putters around me, each with their own goals and plans.  Life really is really is!

Cheers to a quiet day and a great year ahead!

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