Saturday 21 September 2013


Emotions are a funny thing.

Life has a way of happening.....moment by moment, hour by hour....things happen and we react. Happy, sad, indifferent.....sometimes we react honestly, other times we push away our real feelings and react the way we think are supposed to. Sometimes the feelings are too great to push, they find their way up and out and the tears come, and you can't stop them.
After the fact you think how crazy it was that you cried. You remember how much you have to be grateful for and the many reasons to smile.
Today I gave myself a great gift. I let the tears flow. I allowed my self to sit in that pain, feel the sadness. I let the tears flow.
And then I moved on.
Then I saw the beauty in the newly turning fall leaves. I thought about a special little girl's unicorn-volcano-rainbow birthday. I listened to a conversation between the young and the old. I enjoyed the bounty of a local grocery store.
I wiped the tears and moved on.
Life has a way of giving us what we need when we need it.
Sometimes its the rain so that we can see the rainbow.
Cheers to a good sleep and then the gift of doing it again tomorrow......

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