Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Summer begins......

Phew.....July has arrived and summer vacation is really here.
We have had a crazy amount of rain which was somewhat unpleasant to say the least, but the sun is shining today and summer is definitely in the air.
We finished school with everyone on different schedules, each one celebrating a seperate last day. Tyler had 2 exams and then started working a few more shifts, Abby completed all her projects but continued to go to school until the day of farewell, and Grace had to go right up to June 27 with their last day assembly.
Abby had a fantastic year. Grade 9 saw her confidence grow as she strengthened some good friendships and became involved in more activities. She did an awesome job on her speech and won several awards....farewell was a great evening. She has been enjoying summer spending time with friends, relaxing at home and working on some DIY projects. I still can't believe high school is right around the corner!
Tyler had an adventure of a lifetime travelling to Nicaragua with a group from school. They worked on projects to help upgrade an elementary school, got to know some awesome people and did some sightseeing. I am so happy he had this opportunity....but am glad to have him home too:)
Grace's main plan for summer is to sleep! When we spent time in June dreaming about our summer 'to do' list, she consistently said she just wanted to stay up late and sleep all day. So far, she is succeeding in that goal! Mixed with some shopping, trampoline time, and helping me with odd jobs, she is enjoying time in her room....relaxing to her own schedule and pace. This week she has decided she may want to venture away from home a bit....she is ready to do stuff she said!
I have been lucky to enjoy time with friends, lunch dates that I look forward to all year and enjoy so much. Coffee on the patio in the morning, having time to prepare good meals, no lunches to worry about and being home in the evenings....these are the awesome things about summer in my little world.
Today Tyler will have his driving test, I will sort through more photos and project life supplies and we will start our list of what we will need for Twin Beaches next week.
Cheers to summer, slowing down and enjoying the blessings all around!

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